Facts About Our Ultrasound Services
Facts About Our Ultrasound Services
At Lil’ Pirate Preview in Greenville, North Carolina, we value your trust. We want only the best for you and your unborn child. Do review some of the frequently asked questions below for more details about us and our ultrasound services.
Q: Are elective ultrasounds safe?
Q: Are elective ultrasounds safe?
A: Elective ultrasounds use the same technology that is used in your OB/GYN office. Ultrasounds have been used in maternal fetal medicine since the 1950’s. No detrimental side effects have ever been proven. Our sonographer has been certified by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) and is well-trained in the safe use of ultrasound. Feel free to talk to your OB/GYN about the process.
Q: Why are some ultrasound images better than others?
Q: Why are some ultrasound images better than others?
A: The appearance of ultrasound images depends on (1) quality of equipment, (2) sonographer experience, (3) body composition of the mother, (4) amount of amniotic fluid, and (5) position of the baby. Our top-of-the-line equipment and highly skilled sonographer have a huge impact on our success rate. You can improve the quality of your ultrasound pictures by increased water consumption for 5-7 days prior to your visit.
Q: What happens if the sonographer can’t get pictures of my baby’s face or gender?
Q: What happens if the sonographer can’t get pictures of my baby’s face or gender?
A: All attempts will be made to provide you with amazing images. If that is not possible, we will provide you with a free re-scan at a later date. However, since there are so many factors over which we have no control, face pictures cannot be guaranteed beyond 34 weeks. Please note that there are many other adorable baby parts to see!
Q: Can you tell if something is wrong with my baby?
Q: Can you tell if something is wrong with my baby?
A: Elective ultrasounds are not a substitute for those ordered by your OB/GYN. Our sonographer will not be looking for problems during your session.
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